Need filler metal for brazing, soldering or welding applications?

A filler metal is a metal added in the making of a joint through welding, brazing, or soldering. Four types of filler metals exist—covered electrodes, bare electrode wire or rod, tubular electrode wire, and welding fluxes. Sometimes non-consumable electrodes are included as well, but since these metals are not consumed by the welding process, they are normally excluded.


A variety of alloys are used as filler metals for brazing depending on the intended use or application method. Such as Copper, Copper-zinc(brass), Nickel alloy and Silver. In general, braze alloys are made up of three or more metals to form an alloy with the desired properties. The filler metal for a particular application is chosen based on its ability to: wet the base metals, withstand the service conditions required, and melt at a lower temperature than the base metals or at a very specific temperature.

Braze alloy is generally available as rod, ribbon/strips, powder, paste, wire and preforms (such as stamped washers, rings).


Depending on the application, the filler material can be pre-placed at the desired location or applied during the heating cycle. For manual brazing, wire and rod forms are generally used as they are the easiest to apply while heating. In the case of furnace brazing, alloy is usually placed beforehand since the process is usually highly automated.

Some of the more common types of filler metals used are

• Aluminum-silicon

• Copper

• Copper-silver

• Copper-zinc (brass)

• Nickel alloy

• Silver

BEIDUO ALLOYS carries a full line of filler metals for MIG and TIG welding. From general purpose to special applications, from standard forms to tailored forms, to meet specific demands. You can easily find above metals in BEIDUO ALLOYS.

If not sure which type of brazing wire or rod you need?Contact us. We will be happy to help you out.
