Process method of brazing

 There are many common brazing process methods, which are mainly distinguished by the equipment used and the working principle. If distinguished by heat source, there are infrared, electron beam, laser, plasma, glow discharge brazing, etc.; according to the working process, there are contact reaction brazing and diffusion brazing. Contact reaction brazing utilizes the reaction of the brazing filler metal and the base metal to generate a liquid phase to fill the joint gap. Diffusion brazing is to increase the heat preservation and diffusion time, so that the weld and the base metal are fully homogenized, so as to obtain a joint with the same performance as the base metal. Soldering iron soldering Used for soft soldering of small simple or thin parts. Wave soldering is used for the assembly and soldering of large quantities of printed circuit boards and electronic components. When welding, the molten solder at about 250°C passes through the narrow seam to form a wave crest under the pressure of the pump, and the workpiece passes through the wave crest to achieve welding. This method has high productivity and can realize automated production on the assembly line.
